The American Association of Information Radio Operators 
A coalition of operators, licensees and interested others from public agencies who manage specific-area information radio stations that transmit service and safety information to citizens.
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  news from The Source Newsletter  
Indy 500   June 2024
▪  Indy 500: Airing on the Side of Safety
▪  AM Radio Isn't Going Away Anytime Soon
AM Radio is Vehicles  April 2024

"AM car radios seem quaint. But when the twister comes, you'll want that dial" by Max McCoy, published in Kansas Reflector. Republished by with permission.
Eclipse    March 2024

▪  What happens when the internet gets eclipsed?
▪  AM Preservation Act Poised to Pass
▪  UNESCO Designates Radio Our "First Responder"
HAM Radio Issue    November 2023

▪  High Marks for 'The Lowdown' 630 Meter Antenna
▪  New Bandwidth Limit Replaces Baud Rate Ceiling
▪  ARRL Says No to Spectrum Grab
RadioSTAT Antenna Installed

    October 2023

▪  Radio Aids Maui Recovery
▪  FCC Approves Larger, Higher Antennas
Why EMAs Don't Like LPFM
 Information Station Specialists Turns 40

AM Radio in Every Vehicle

   August 2023

▪  AM Radio Deemed "Absolutely Mandatory"; virtually all are convinced of the band’s value to America…except automakers
▪  Will 2024 Solar Event Eclipse Resources?
Signs of Things to Come
Harrison Ford Voices Safety Broadcasts at Jackson Hole

Park Hikers

   May 2023

▪  NAB Petition Asks Congress to Prevent Automakers from Removing AM Receivers from Vehicles
▪  Remote Parks Rely on Radio
▪  New 630-Meter HAM Radio Antenna Available

Post Pulse Emergencies

   February 2023

▪  Radio: a Survivable Asset Should a Community Need to Navigate an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack
▪  Finishing Strong: Special-Event Radio Stations Mitigate Communication Snafu's for Major Venues
▪  Rock Radio Resurfaces: Industry Pro Employs Short-Range Radio to Encourage Driver Safety
▪  Agencies with New & Upgraded Information Radio Stations

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